Nunca Es Tarde’s Veg X Wolf on being vegan in Panama

Veg X Wolf singer of Nunca Es Tarde:

Being a vegan hardcore kid in a non-vegan scene

Panama is a country where ethic veganism doesn’t exist, since we are little they make us believe that eating other living things, taking they’re newborns food (milk) or eating their menstruation (eggs) is something completely normal.

The fault of this is the lack of information, organizations for the ethical treatment of animals don’t exist in panama and in the hardcore scene there aren’t people who want to get involve on veganism (giving information/educating others about this).

Even though only 2 members of nunca es tarde are vegan and that most of our lyrics are about straight edge or about supporting the hardcore scene we always give informative flyers about ethic veganism every time we are invited to a gig and we have a few songs about this subject.

Compasion / Compassion:

Estas feliz con esto? / are you happy with this?
Asesinas por placer / you kill for pleasure
Consumis por tradición / you consume because of tradition
Donde se fue la razón? / where has the reason left?

Basta ya! Basta ya! / stop it now, stop it no!
No mas consumo y maltrato animal / no more combustion or animal abuse!
Basta ya! Basta ya! / Stop it now, stop it now!
Ahora es cuando debemos actuar! / This is the time when we have to act!

Cual es el punto? / whats the point?
Cual es la razón? / Whats the reason?
Esta en ti! Es tu decisión / its in you, its your decision
No consumir, no asesinar / no consumption, no killin
Yo decidí por ellos luchar. / i have decided to fight for them

Basta ya! Basta ya! / stop it now, stop it no!
No mas consumo y maltrato animal / no more combustion or animal abuse!
Basta ya! Basta ya! / Stop it now, stop it now!
Ahora es cuando debemos actuar! / This is the time when we have to act!

From the release:

Video: Nunca Es Tarde, Compassion

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